田端LaputaI Iさん

There're many sharehouse. Why do you choose Tabata Laputa from them?

There're many sharehouse. Why do you choose Tabata Laputa from them?

When I decided to come to Japan, at first I searched something like guesthouse and sharehouse on the website, but they're too many to choose.I have a friend in Sapporo, and she suggested me some websites that her Japanese frineds were using, and told me they were so popular.

I started to search them, but in fact I had no idea with the location. So I just selected with female.

I have heard that some boys in the guesthouse are very loud and dirty, and man and female mix seemed to have some trouble easily.

I'm glad that this house is so clean and quiet, and it's really good.

Why do you come to Japan?

I come to here for intermship, and it's a part of my university. It need us to choose a country, and I chose Japan. Becuase I have been interested in the game named FINAL FANTACY and Japanese culture.

Do the members of Tabata Laputa get along with each other and enjoy the life of sharehouse?

Good! They're very nice and friendly and we have good relationship. We don't have any argue here.

We also have a line group. If there's something bothered, they just write it down and someone would help them!


Like someone forget to lock the door, we reminded each other in the group. At the same time we also paste two memos on the door, so now we all remember to lock it.


We saw the horrible movie DVD together for the English version because I don't really understand Japanese. There are some people knowing English there. It's more interesting than usual because there were so many people gathering.


They also took me to eat internal organs of beef, always European don't eat that, so I felt scary and didn't dare to eat them at first. But when I tried to eat them, something really tasted good. But I still couldn't eat the tounge. 

Have you made many good friends here?

Yes, I made many new friends. Not only my roommates, but also from work and school.

Have your Japanese get improved?

In the beginning, I couldn't understand and say any Japanese, but I can speak simple Japanese now.

My work is using English. And my colleagues and friends always talk with me in English, they want to improve their English. So I thought I didn't have a big improment in Japanese haha.


But I could sing Japanese songs in Karaoke! There's not this type of Kareoke in Germany, so it's really fun for me. In fact, I sing so bad, but I'm still enjoy in it! I love to sing the song of FINAL FANTACY.

You're always has smile and seem to enjoy the life of sharehouse. But do you get homesick?

I miss my family so much, but at the same time, here is so amazing that I don't want to go home.

I always talk to my family by skype. When Japan is 8 p.m., Germany is 1 p.m..

How do you think about Japan?

I think Japanese is very kind. At first they're shy and don't want to speak so much. They're so cute.


I love the Japanese food, too. I love the co-op supermarket near the house very much. I always buy the bentou and yakitori because they're so delicious. I almost buy yakitori everyday, I'm really love to eat it! And omurize, kare... I relally enjoy the Japanese food.


And I love Ueno, I usually go to there from house by walking. The lotus there in the lake are so beautiful, but there're almost couples and let me feel lonely haha. I want to go to the Ueno Zoo so much, but I don't have chances so far. I hope I could see panda one day. And there are so many panda cake and bread that I couldn't eat them because they are so cute!


And I go to many events recently, like fireworks. The summer of Japan has so many fun! 

The advantage amd disadvantage of the sharehouse, and the point you recommend?

The good thing of course when you have some troubles, you always can ask for help.

For example, when I first wanted to use a cellphone, but I did't know where the shop was and how to apply it. Someone taught me that where could buy it. Also I don't know how to buy the suica card and charge it, they also taguht me that.


When I wanted to withdraw money from bank of Germany, I used the 7-11 ATM but didn't know how to use it at first. They even took me to find the ATM and taught me using it. It's really helpful.


It's just like when you come to here and everything is different. Japanese can't speak English mostly as I can't speak Japanese well, so these people really help me a lot.


There is no disadvantage I think. The only thing maybe is that because I live near the bathroom, so I always could heard some voice when I want to sleep. But it's not a big deal. Everyone is so clean and I have nothing to complain.


In fact, I have suggested sharehouse to my friend who is planning to come to Tokyo.

In sharehouse, you're never alone. When you come to a big city like Tokyo, it's easy to feel lonely. So I'm glad to have these people around me.

When I come home, I know there would be someone. And in the sharehouse, you could have privacy and common space at the same time. It's really good!

池袋・板橋 上野・田端 北千住・錦糸町・新小岩 新宿・中野 山手線 東京・日本橋・勝どき 渋谷・三軒茶屋・自由が丘 大田・横浜 品川・大井町