Contact us

If you would like to view the house, or have other questions and suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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※If you don't receive the reply in 3 days, please confirm it again. This form supports SSL communication.
*Starred fields are required.

■Inquiry house*(various is possible)








■Now at*

■Purpose of stay*

■Requested room(If don't have the preference, please check both.)

Single room Dormitory(For two or four people)

■Scheduled moving in date* (EX.「from ○M○D」「ASAP」etc.)

■Duration to stay(EX.「long-term expected」「until ○M○D」etc.)

■The reason to inquiry(various is possible)

Only for woman Looks cleanliness and comfortable Security Seems fun Location Rent
Common space Have confidence in the management company Leisurely atmosphere
Furniture and partition of rooms Can do international culture exchange Others

■Please input if you checked the 「Other」in 「The reason to inquiry」

■Other Inquiry(If you would like to view the house, please input the requested date and time) ※10:00~19:00 in weekdays, 9:00~18:00 in weekend and public holiday.
※Please fill in 2~3 expected time.

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池袋・板橋 上野・田端 北千住・錦糸町・新小岩 新宿・中野 山手線 東京・日本橋・勝どき 渋谷・三軒茶屋・自由が丘 大田・横浜 品川・大井町